We took the train to Hang Zhou over a weekend, so I did not have to take too much leave.
Us sitting lazily on the train, waiting for the train to depart from Shanghai (梅龙站)
It was a HOT summer, quite uncomfortable to be walking around so much. We visited the same few scenic places, the West Lake.
We ate, once again, at the famous 楼外楼 and my mum loved the ä¸œç ´è‚‰. Even till today she laments about not eating a 2nd piece. Haha!
We also went to å´å±±å¹¿åœº to shop and look see look see.
We stayed for 2 days in Hang Zhou, did some shopping, went to 龙井山庄 to buy 龙井 tea which I have since absolutely love and name it my favourite tea alongside 人å‚乌龙茶.
After the 2 days of wandering around, we headed back to Shanghai.