Category: Shanxi

  • Inner Mongolia (Day 7) :: Happy Mothers' Day!

    Daybreaks and our first stop for the day was Ping Yao Old City (平遥古城). The city center of ancient times. It still remains a bustling place because people live and work in the old city. We visited a Governor’s place, the earliest bank in the world and the city wall. Stopped along the pedestrian street…

  • Inner Mongolia (Day 6) :: Wu Tai Shan 五台山

    That morning, we visit 5 temples in total. – Wan Fo Ge (万佛阁) – Ta Yuan Ci (塔院寺) – Xian Tong Ci (显通寺) – Dai Lei Ding (黛螺顶) – and finally, 菩萨顶 One of the temples was on top of 108 steps. Do I hear exclamations? Well, that was the easy one. The final temple…

  • Inner Mongolia (Day 5) :: Rare Sights

    The Yun Gang grottoes (云岗石窟) was definitely a very impressive attraction. One cannot help but marvel at the intricacy of the stone carvings. How many decades it must have took them to carve out all 45 of the caves, statues and carvings! As usual, a whole bunch of us cannot resist the urge to be…

  • Inner Mongolia (Day 4) :: Travelling

    After breakfast, we bid farewell to the beautiful grassland. It was definitely regrettable that we did not manage to do a lot of things at the grassland. We headed back to Hohhot to visit various temples and attractions. 1. Zhao Jun Cemetary (昭君墓) She was one of the 4 most beautiful women in China’s history.…