Beijing Industrial and Educational Visit 北京考察团 (18 – 20 Nov 2005) Part 2

Peking University 北京大学

Peking Uni

A whole bunch of the guys woke up really early to go to Tsing Hua University to look around so that they could take off immediately after the Peking University 北大 Visit to visit the tourist attractions, such as the Summer Palaces. 5 of us went to Peking University as planned. Once again, traffic conditions played punk with us! The cab I was in with Huiling was little delayed due to the bad traffic outside Peking University. Eventually made it, though was like the last to arrive. Peking Uni is a very nice place. Its almost a tourist attraction. There was a beautiful lake, a pagoda, and many nice walkways!

In the Uni

This final shot was taken inside the boundaries of the houses of some old folks who lived within the university for some reason or another. There was this old lady who was quite fierce. She kept asking what I was taking and why I was taking somethig like that. She did not believe that with Beijing’s tourist attractions I would be taking her run down place. My personal take although I understand that its her house, is that she felt ashamed of her place. Many places in Europe or else where, the old folks always welcome people to take their authentic old vintage houses. Here, its a stigma for them! Oh well, I can’t change society!

The exchange with the local students – Learning about China’s Political and Legal System.
It was a rather complex topic to cover coupled with the fact that they guy giving the presentation was speaking in like rapid fire chinese, I found the whole presentation extrememly diffcult to understand. Well, I think most of them got the rough drift. So, overall it was a good presentation. Regina, a Singaporean studying in Peking Uni then gave a brief outline of the Singapore Political System – after all, it is an exchange mah!

'Political' exchange

With work done, we headed out for FOOD! (peking duck?!?!?!)


Tsing Hua University

Tsing Hua Uni

After lunch, most of the gang went on their tour of Beijing. With 4 of us left, we decided to go visit Tsing Hua Uni and take a look! Did not stay too long there, as we were all very tired out and decided to head back to the hotel to take a nap. I think its the weather!

Wang Fu Jing 王府井

Wang Fu Jing

Evening. KC, Fionna and myself headed down to Wang Fu Jing to look look see see. It was still very similar to when I was there 2 years ago. Dull and not as brightly lit as Shanghai. Shanghai is still the more vibrant city! In terms of building decorations, as well as, people’s dress sense.


I ate a scorpion and half a sea horse. I was totally instigated by Fionna. The scorpion was alittle scary! Did not like the squishy part of the body. The sea horse? It tasted like salted fish!

Li Qun 俐群烤鸭店

Li Qun Duck

This duck place was well hid inside the Hutongs, but it was damn popular. You can only go there with a reservation, if not be prepared to WAIT! We had a big group of us there and we had DUCK. Yup, the 3rd duck we had in BJ. It still wasn’t good. It still didn’t compare to the duck that my auntie brought me to eat the last time I was in Beijing. Sighs! Don’t know when then I can try real good duck!

Multi Colour

Multi Coloured personnels!


Scala KTV

This place was somewhere near Peking University. IT was the place to be in Beijing, if you enjoyed a very interesting sense of humour. Humour that was politically incorrect. I guessed its only something that you can do over a couple of bottles of beers and everyone has the same thinking and philosophy. There I saw the culture of the Beijing people. Their Nationalistic Pride! It was just too aparrent. Besides that the host for the show was very good and the performances were all very engaging as well. As mentioned, it was RMB 100 well spent (RMB 50 for entrance (guys only, ladies enter for free) and RMB 50 minimum expenditure.) Sorry, no pictures to be taken within. Anyhow, there were alot of interesting people in there. Big Bosses with their mistresses, etc!

Lamb Stew Pot

Lamb Stew Pot

Was jio-ed for supper by Meiqing. She was asked by Shallene, Cheewei and Janice for supper. We came and they left. (Like a relay!) They were at the Lamb Place eating Shuai Yang Rou. Some local speciality! It was nice. Although I wasn’t hungry I still ate it. I think I totally had a case of over eating in Beijing!


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